Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Character Sketch

From a young delicate age the smallest of four children shared an unbreakable bond with her mother. A compassionate and warm woman recognized and nurtured her daughter’s talented creative mind. The stepfather, a rigid, narrow minded man did not share the same compassion. The calamitous event of her mother’s premature death and the consequences that followed affected the youngest child most. She lived a sad, suppressed life dictated by her stepfather. She was fortunate enough to attend school where she developed a life long love of learning that no one could ever take away from her. The year she became of age she departed for Berlin, to commence a new chapter in her life, unburdened by her stepfather.

She is inquisitive and open minded. She is young but old enough to have experienced life's adversities. She has traveled to see many facets of the capacious world but not all. Her mother is to thank for her extraordinary memory, her mind is a grand museum of facts, numbers, quotes, memories, recollections and emotions. Her life would hold little meaning without friends, which she shares every glimmer of laughter, love, anguish, pain, and excitement

She loves her job as a Chinese Consulate Official, there is something so satisfying about her work that motivates her to do her best. Every working hour is spent caring for people. Helping them to the best of her capabilities, she devotes herself to each customer ensuring they leave with all their troubles resolved.

When she returns home everything is about her...her house is speckled with all the things she loves, her vivid collection of vinyl records and the imagined room. This room is her 'blank canvas' to draw, paint, write, read and dwell. It is neutral...each day the walls can transform into something magnificent. It is a room full of thoughts, emotions, desires, dreams, reflections; a very personal experience. The layers of the walls can be peeled off to reveal new possibilities. There are no limitations. Anything is attainable via her imagination.

“We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow nice post.